Forever Sabah’s Spatial Planning for Conservation, Sustainable Economic Development and Society (SPaCES) Team have mapped the un-electrified villages across Sabah on interactive Google Earth satellite imagery, adding layers for district boundaries, streams and rivers, topography and predicted renewable energy potential. Since grid extension and enterprise development are dependent upon road access we have produced a layer that seeks to provide a first comprehensive map of Sabah’s road network, including gravel and earth/village and logging roads. We have also created a digital layer for the existing and planned electrical transition and distribution grid, not including last mile and underground/sea cable.
Our interactive Demand Map format enables the viewer to select which layers they require and to work at any scale down from state-wide to the individual village.
This Demand Map is a living resource that will be constantly updated with the latest information available. Therefore, we are inviting readers to let us know if we have missed or misunderstood any community without adequate electricity or any other the data presented in these maps.
From the 206 Villages in the SabahRE2 Project Portfolio, consortium member TONIBUNG have now undertaken feasibility studies for 57 communities in a possible 35 mini-grids across Sabah. These locations have been selected on the basis of technical feasibility for mini-grid deployment through micro-hydro, solar or solar/hydro hybrid systems. The results showcase a portfolio of opportunities from which a selection and planning process for each mini-grid project can lead into the engineering and implementation stages. The findings of the Feasibility Studies are summarised here.
The Project Portfolio has provided invaluable insights on Sabah’s un-electrified communities that have deeply shaped the SabahRE2 Roadmap. It has also provided the community data needed to calculate current and future energy demand, anchor client and enterprise opportunities, and community organisation and readiness for the Feasibility Studies.