Sabah RE2 training curricula

Mini-Grid Planning Tools 2.0

Green Empowerment

Green Empowerment works with rural communities and partners around the world to improve access to affordable and renewable energy, safe drinking water, sanitation systems, fuel efficient cook stoves and more. With GE support, systems are designed, constructed and maintained by the communities that benefit from them to ensure long-term economic and environmental sustainability.

Mini-Grid Planning Tools 2.0

A continuation of the SabahRE2 Roadmap 2.0 series on mini-grid toolkits. The aim at this stage of the project will be to dive deeper into mini-grid optimisation, and will explore mapping-based optimisation tools with participants.  This will also include further exchanges around mini-grid supportive policies, calculating emissions, and looking at the eventual interconnection of mini-grids.


The Sabah RE2 Training Curricula is a culmination of our past two years down the roadmap combined with decades of technical and field experience. Refer here for all instructions and guidelines needed to facilitate this training programme.

Curriculum for Technical Dimensions of Implementing and Managing Community RE Mini-Grids



These course materials were used in the training and engagement of the local community in various rural regions of Sabah. Refer here for presentation slides, training exercises, spreadsheets, and more.

Mini Grid Planning Tools Presentation



Programmes are structured differently according to specific topics, communities, or preferences. Refer here for our programme.

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